Avalanche Brands

Previously known as Think Fast, and have since changed the seller name. Avalanche Brands is trusted by 552,661 Amazon customers in USA. They sell products in Toys & Games, Home & Kitchen and Books departments from Fun Express, Old World Christmas, Darice, Crayola and Douglas , and other brands. They have over ten thousand products in stock fulfilled by Amazon, they are an FBA seller.

They are one of the trending sellers, having increased their feedback received by 19% from the month before. They are a Amazon marketplace Top 50 seller.

Avalanche Industries is one of the largest and most dynamic ecommerce retailers in the country. Using proprietary software, we track and analyze terabytes of data each day to manage, market, and retail products for some of the nation’s top manufacturers. We are committed to versatility, adaptability, and most importantly our vendor relationships. At Avalanche our business model is based on mutual success. When we prosper, so do our vendors, employees, and community as a whole. Our partners have over a century of retail experience, and their energetic and progressive spirit is reflected in our growth, culture, and success as a whole.