20th Century Books is a popular culture bookstore founded in 1979 in Madison Wisconsin by Hank Luttrell, specializing in new, used and rare science fiction, fantasy, comics, mysteries and all sorts of related popular culture topics. Note that we always mail in sturdy corrugated cardboard boxes; none of those flimsy envelopes for us!
POSTAGE FEES: Amazon’s one-size-fits-all fees work fine for most customers, but they can cause some confusion. For instance, “standard” media mail packages to Alaska, Hawaii and US protectorates take a long time to arrive. We will automatically upgrade to first class on comics or small books such as mass market paperbacks when mailing to these distant locations. US residents outside the continental US who are in a hurry should plan on expedited mail (priority) for trade paperbacks and hardcovers. On orders for more than one item, Amazon charges the same postage fee for each book. There might be ways 20th Century Books could reduce your postage costs on multiple item orders, but it would work best if you could contact us before placing the order. If you have any questions or concerns, let us know! If you are planning a trip to Madison, visit our store at 1421 South Park, 2nd floor, between 10 and 5:30 Monday through Saturday, or noon until 5:30 Sunday.
- # of reviews total: 10174
- # of reviews last 1 month: 22
- # of reviews last 3 months: 76
- # of reviews last 12 months: 361
- % positive feedback: 96
- Seller URL: View Electronic & Operational Innovations profile on Amazon
- Best Seller? Yes
- Web: ---
- Phone number: N/A