Chachi Toys

We are a small family business, mom, dad, and son. Our name comes from a superhero our son invented when he was five years old. This business exists to help our son get through college and get settled. One problem we have been having recently is customers who blame us for our item prices, and they are mad at us because they found it for less at a store.

We sell products at a higher rate than retailers, but we sell products that are either collectible or sold out in other parts of the country/world and, as such, in high demand. Since we live near Los Angeles, we have access to a lot more supply than most people. Sometimes people don’t realize they can find our products with some searching, so check your local stores. You may find it there.

However, please do not blame us if you don’t. We are trying to make a buck just like everyone else, and we have bills to pay, as well as CA state taxes, which, as I’m sure you can guess, are a bit lofty. It is not our responsibility to shop around for you. Please consider this before you shop.