Chengxuan Sarah is trusted by 4,214 customers in USA. They sell products in Beauty & Personal Care, Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry and Home & Kitchen departments from BOYON, Generic, Diansts, WKShop and Bonlting , and other brands. They have hundreds of products in stock fulfilled from their own warehouse in China.
Chengxuan Sarah business name, phone number, address and email might be available by contacting Chengxuan Sarah. For customer service, returns, refunds and other issues contact Previously known as chenxuan, and have since changed the seller name.
- # of reviews total: 4107
- # of reviews last 1 month: 24
- # of reviews last 3 months: 91
- # of reviews last 12 months: 647
- % positive feedback: 91
- Seller URL: View Electronic & Operational Innovations profile on Amazon
- Best Seller? Yes
- Web: ---
- Phone number: N/A