First Line of Self-Defense

Sweet T Enterprise LLC provides a piece of mind and sense of security! This company is veteran owned and operated by Angela Hill, and we bring just that a piece of mind and an alternative means of personal safety. Self-defense weapons are your First Line of Self Defense against an attack. This is an important component of any personal security and the great news is, there are plenty of very practical non-lethal weapons available for a price you can afford. The products sold on our site are non-lethal and have proven to be very effective in self-defense and personal safety. Our mission is simple -to provide top quality self-defense products and a sense of security while maintaining outstanding prices. We believe in non-lethal protection against and offender and we offer a broad selection of self-defense items for men and women. We want every shopping, walking, hiking, camping and even your cycling adventure to be a pleasant and safe experience. However, should trouble arise, we want you to be able to show the assailant the light before he/she goes night night. For more information about our products and services please visit or simply call us at 804 372-7343.