Green Dealz is an industry-leading distributor and retailer. As a worldwide supplier, we have built and continue to maintain relationships with multiple manufacturers, large-scale retail chains and global dealers, allowing us to offer exceptional pricing to our customers. Our business is focused on electronics and home goods that provide customers with a full spectrum of products for their business and personal needs. Given the opportunity, our highly trained staff will deliver the one-on-one customer care and superior logistical services that have earned Green Dealz its name for top quality, unmatched service and constant reliability.
- # of reviews total: 459
- # of reviews last 1 month: 9
- # of reviews last 3 months: 29
- # of reviews last 12 months: 257
- % positive feedback: 95
- Seller URL: View Electronic & Operational Innovations profile on Amazon
- Best Seller? No
- Web: ---
- Phone number: N/A