I’ve been selling on amazon, ebay and other sites for over 10 years. I usually obtain stock from library or estate sales and try to only pick items that are still in great shape and I would be happy to own. My return policy is as follows: If the item is not as described, I will provide a full refund. If it is as described, I will provide a refund for items returned within 7 days, less the original shipping costs. Any return requests after 7 days are at my discretion and any refund will be reduced by actual shipping costs and a 15% restocking fee. I can not accept returns of used books or DVDs past 7 days because too many people have taken advantage of me by watching the movie then asking to return it. If packages are returned by the post office unopened/rejected/unclaimed, I will try to reach you first for an updated address. If I can not reach you, I will provide a refund, less the shipping costs and a 15% restocking fee. Actual shipping costs are defined as what I paid (including postage, package costs, and insurance).
- # of reviews total: 10701
- # of reviews last 1 month: 14
- # of reviews last 3 months: 45
- # of reviews last 12 months: 240
- % positive feedback: 98
- Seller URL: View Electronic & Operational Innovations profile on Amazon
- Best Seller? Yes
- Web: ---
- Phone number: N/A