NightFire Electronics was founded in 1999 by an Electronic Engineer as a source where other Electronic Engineers, Technicians, Hobbyists, Teachers, Students, and anybody else could get a useful assortment of SMT & Thru-Hole components at a reasonable cost. Along the way, we decided to design our own PCB circuits and now offer them at a great price. Our goal then, and still is today, is to put together a meaningful collection of passive parts centered on an active component and offer it at a great price. We have been doing just that since October 1999.
- # of reviews total: 1213
- # of reviews last 1 month: 12
- # of reviews last 3 months: 24
- # of reviews last 12 months: 13
- % positive feedback: 93
- Seller URL: View Electronic & Operational Innovations profile on Amazon
- Best Seller? Yes
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- Phone number: T: 352-300-3548